Dear Simply Jesus family.
Don’t look for new word
But look for fresh Word.
This is a TRAP, this is the CURSE of a CHRISTIAN… don’t fall for it…
Don’t fall into this trap.
This is the time of the year, I ask God for a Word for the new year, to guide my prayer, to set my expectation for this year.
Many times I have fallen into this trap saying,
I need something new, a new word, a new prophecy.
Every scripture I read, every promise that I hear sometimes feels old, I think “I have heard that”, hmmm… “I know it” and that’s “already spoken to me many years ago”… Ya, “already marked and dated”…
I somehow feel an old promise is a weak promise, so I end up ask, “But Lord, I need a new word” “I need a new prophecy”
So, I fall into the trap of searching the social media and listening to other ministries for something new, instead of searching the Scriptures.
Somehow we equate old ness to weakness…
But the Holy Spirit corrected me…
Sunny, YOU DON’T need a New Word,
Mark 6:3 is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joses, Judas and Simeon? And are there not His Sister’s among us
On of the greatest hurdles the people of Nazareth faced, that had the privilege of living in the same home town of JESUS, is FAMILIARITY
They thought, they knew JESUS because they knew His mother, His father, His brothers and His sisters. They has dinner with them, they had attended prayer meetings together with them, they had also seen Him grow up before them.
We also fall into the same trap… a trap of familiarity… that becomes a Curse.
We think we know the Word (Bible)… because we have the Bible everywhere… in our homes… as an app… we hear it… we read it… we listen to it… we think we are so saturated with it…
We think we have heard these scriptures again and again…
We have heard messages on that topic before…
The familiar promise triggers a familiar response… that is not thrilling…
It doesn’t grab your attention, it doesn’t peak your interest…
We look for the spectacular and miss the supernatural.
This familiarity keeps you from the familiar word…
This familiarity creates offense
This familiarity cripples your faith – lack of excitement
This familiarity limits God…
How can we escape the trap of familiarity?

Every day in summer you step into the garden and see the familiar flower, the familiar water, the familiar birds, the familiar wind but it’s fresh… it carries fresh smell, fresh feel, fresh colors, fresh sight…
The difference between the familiar and fresh is what you experience.
The garden gives no new information daily… but gives you new experience every day.
The goodness/mercies of God is new every morning… new as in “fresh”. It brings fresh revelation of the same God…
Fresh understanding of His same Love…
Fresh excitement to His same word…
So Stop and smell, Stop and taste, Stop and feel, Stop and experience the familiar.
it grabs your emotions… it excites your imagination… sets your heart on fire❤️🔥
It Is the same word (Logos) breathed afresh by the Holy Spirit… it’s the RHEMA word for this season…
- Is a NOW WORD – God is speaking.
- It’s a personal WORD- God is speaking to you
- is a POWERFUL WORD- it’s your weapon
The RHEMA word gives Life
John 6:63 says:
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words (Rhema) which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”
The RHEMA word washes us.
Ephesians 5:26 says:
“That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word (Rhema)”
The RHEMA word is a weapon for war.
Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word (Rhema) of God;
In conclusion: it is in the familiar things, familiar Scripture, familiar situations God fashions something FRESH, He brings the FRESH WORD, He inspire FRESH JOY. Let the FRESH WIND of the Holy Spirit fill your heart, your house and your YEAR.
You don’t need a new Word but a Fresh Word from GOD.